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In-Car Entertainment

In-Car Electronics experts, based in Hong Kong with worldwide distribution


What We Did

Branding, Web design and Development, eCommerce, Blog, Forum Management, Social Media Management, Translation, Influencer Marketing

XTRONS is a market frontrunner in in-car electronics, selling car stereos and accessories in Asia, Europe and North America. Based in Hong Kong, the client already had a hugely successful business, but wanted to grow their online presence, reposition their brand, and improve their conversion rate from online sales.

Website and UI Design, eCommerce Management

We redesigned the site top to bottom, with a new homepage, new navigation, and a new product page design. This was with the aim of cleaning up the UI and drastically improving the client’s conversion rate. 

We also worked on the eCommerce end of the client’s business, helping to manage their inventory in Magento, and to manage their online transactions through Braintree. We installed reCAPTCHA to help with cybersecurity and managed ongoing changes to their checkout process.

New Copy, Translation, Social Media and Google Ads Campaigns and Influencer Marketing

We then set about creating a German website on the new layout we created, with an eye on improving the client’s standing in that market. This involved rewriting the existing English copy for their whole catalogue, translating this into German, and then creating a brand new site with an identical layout to the UK/US/Australia website.

The translation consisted of over a million words, done in consultation with an overseas translator in Germany. Once the copy was ready and proofread, we performed a Magento import with the .csv files, allowing us to handle the huge amounts of data neatly and efficiently.

We undertook a social media campaign, used Google Ads and Marketing, and positioned XTRONS on car enthusiast forums, targeting the client’s ideal customer base. We also begun an ongoing blog in WordPress to improve SEO and to bring more visitors to the website.

As part of a Black Friday campaign in 2021, we planned and managed an influencer marketing campaign. We researched and reached out to over 30 potential influencers across a variety of platforms including Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, and chose a select five influencers to collaborate with on the campaign. Each influencer was gifted a product of their choice and published content on Black Friday to promote the item, along with a bespoke code offering their followers free shipping. The influencers were all from different countries, including the UK, US, Australia and Germany, and had a collective reach of 52,057 people.

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Drastic Increase in Conversion Rate

The results of this were dramatic, with a 200% increase in online conversions, and a top-to-bottom refresh of the brand.

The work for XTRONS is ongoing, as we continue to promote new products in their catalogue, ensure their online presence is crisp, personable and effective, and help them convert more effectively online in different global markets.


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